i've always kinda been on the fence about cd's in regards to this blog.... but Harrison over at Kid Sister Records sent some copies of these awesome hand made releases to check out, and they are way to good not to blog about.
first up is the Antilles s/t ep. this is the 2nd press edition, 100 copies. the covers are screen printed front and back with hints of spray paint on a nice 100lb card stock. these things are straight up screened right over the disk! it blows my mind that this even worked!
the packaging for this Grown Ups cd is pretty noteworthy as well.... look at the amount of time they put into assembling these. made with 100% recycled paper, these covers were screen printed, cut, folded, and then fashioned with kite string so that the cd remains contained inside the jacket.

the disk face was spray painted and stamped as well....
a folded 8.5" x 11" sheet of yellow paper gets photocopied and folded for a a lyric sheet that is near impossible to read, yet looks cool.
if you'd like to hear these releases (or any of the other Kid Sister releases), you can check them out for free here...
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