i've been meaning to post this record for a while now, it wasn't until this afternoon when i was looking at C.M. Ruiz blog that i realized that i never got it up. so, here we are, another great record cover by C.M. Ruiz! more of his top notch cut and paste collage work, although this one seems to be missing his signature drawing elements that i love so much. the composition still works great without them though, i love the way he used the type to split the image into four quadrants...

the back panel has some great cut and paste type going on over this photo. that solid black bar along the bottom of the layout does a nice job of grounding the art, without it the white space would just wash everything out.
this is yet another one of those drop-notch sleeves that Imprint is manufacturing, i still love the effect even though i've picked up more records than i care to count this year that all have this design element. between the grain of the paper stock and the chunky halftones built into the art, this is one of the most textural records i've encountered since my copy of The Feederz Lp arrived from ebay 10 years ago...
there is also a tiny-ass piece of shit insert that i am guessing was not created by CMR since it's rather cumbersome and impossible to read. also, it looks like it was created in photoshop and not on a photocopier, so that kinda rules him out as well. seriously, i can barely make out any of the words on this thing, and it's ugly, so they probably should have just left it out....
A and B labels are standard issue, not bad...
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