Unfortunately, that cover art is where my love of this release ends, cause the rest of it gets a bit tough. Take a look at this back panel for instance... It's cluttered from a design standpoint and also a bit lop-sided in the way the elements were distributed...
The cassette is a clear piss-yellow plastic with a dark red screen print of the song titles. Although this was the best use of typesetting in this layout, no matter what lighting condition or angle you hold this in, it's nearly impossible to make out what it says...

This insert photo is actually really cool, but the combination of the typeface and the size makes this insert the most advanced eye test in the history of man. I really wish they just left all the info off so that the photo could be the feature....

This insert photo is actually really cool, but the combination of the typeface and the size makes this insert the most advanced eye test in the history of man. I really wish they just left all the info off so that the photo could be the feature....
Cool art. Shame about the "borrowed" photo in the liner notes.
I'm Thor Tornberg. Glad ya like it. I'm working on a design for Cara Neir too, so keep an eye out for that.