Sunday, August 12, 2012

Big Eyes - Back From The Moon Ep.

I got this Big Eyes Ep as a submission from our friends over at Grave Mistake, and as usual, it is another tight looking release to add to their already impressive catalog.  professionally printed and glued sleeves with a very dark and empty band photo on the cover.  it's funny, this is actually a pretty terrible cover by most standards... there is no identifiable focal point to the image and also no band name or type at all to speak of.  i would definitely put this in the "so bad, it's good" column since its so underwhelming that it's actually really cool, and it also tells you a surprising amount about their sound and vibe...

the back cover has a much more discernible band photo that was treated to look like a polaroid transfer of some sort.  all the necessary information sits at the bottom and looms pretty good,  but the Big Eyes lettering at the top of the panel could have used a little more care with its placement....

there is also a one sided photocopied insert included which serves as a lyric sheet.  love the bold Big Eyes type in box outline, really wish this was on that back cover instead.  all the rest of the type on this page was hand written and looks cool as hell....

the A and B labels are both a nice clean nod to the classic big hole 45 labels of rock n roll's past, which is fitting since both these songs are jukebox worthy...

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